Best of Eat & Drink

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

P.F. Chang's Bistro Home Style Edition

I am more than a little bit of a cookbook collector... maybe more along the lines of a compulsive addict really. I cannot go into a Costco without racing to the book section to see what new finds they have for me.

Well last summer we travelled to Alberta to attend the husband's cousins wedding in Lethbridge, and going the typical way an event with the cousins go, I found myself and cousin-in-law heading out to pick up snacks and beverages and low and behold what did they have a Costco!!! And may I mention a liquor barn Costco but that is another story. Well I politely pushed the cousin-in-law out of my way and raced to find my goodies. But what did I find?? That I had all the cookbooks already!! Well except for baking ones, and I suck at baking and don't like treats so don't have much use for them. Honestly I was a little confused, how could I go to Costco and not get a cookbook! It was unheard of for me. Then I noticed a lady to the left slowly put down a beautiful ( and not recognizable so I knew I did not own it already ) soft cover cookbook! "More of America's Most Wanted Recipes". Let me say I do not own the first edition of this book, but my best friend "A" does. She has spoke over the many years about the book, so I figured that justified me buying the new version. I quickly snapped it up from above mentioned women, whom I pretty sure only set it down for a second with full intentions of picking it back up again, but cookbook shopping is serious business and she should have been more on her game like I was. Success!!

Anyway I read the cookbook cover to cover on the drive back home with husband and found many recipes to try. I noticed that they had a lot of Chinese restaurants and seeing as one of my daughters (Marissa) requests "Asian inspired food" (her words) on a very regular basis, I figured the cookbook was a keeper. Being from Canada and the book being American I didn't know all the restaurants in the book, like P.F. Chang's Bistro. I figured it was just like Panda Express (also in the book) and Wok Box. Boy was I wrong. As I mentioned before Husband and I went to Portland Oregon for a weekend trip over Christmas. As we were wandering the streets trying to find the brew pub, husband was drooling to get to, we walked past a dimly lit classy looking restaurant! It was P.F. Chang's Bistro. We had no idea it wasn't a fast food restaurant. We headed to the brew pub, but my mind stayed on my cookbook. Couldn't wait to get home and choose which recipes "B" and I were going to try.

Well it took close to a month for us to make our own "P.F.Chang's Bistro Home Style Edition", but we did it and boy it was good!

Our menu consisted of Spicy Stir-fried Eggplant, Mongolian Beef and Garlic noodles. Unfortunatley Marissa did not get to try the eggplant or beef, but did try the noodles which she approved of, along with a promise from me to make the rest of the meal for her in the very near future!

Spicy Stir-fried Eggplant. B was in charge of this one and boy was it good!

Mongolian Beef. My job and turned out excellent as well if I do say so myself!

Garlic Noodles. We doubled the recipe so we had leftovers for lunch and even had extra for the Kids dinner the next day.

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