Best of Eat & Drink

Monday, January 17, 2011


Well, I gave T a chance to post the two meals she has pictures for so I wouldn't embarrass her by posting twice in a row.. but I give up on waiting for those slackers to get their act together. I want to show you my meat!

One of the things my parents gave us for Christmas was a food dehydrator. Last week we made beef and turkey jerky strips and.. tubes?  For now we're just using the seasoning that came with the jerky "gun", but I'm pretty excited to experiment with our own spices in the future. Boyfriend, who likes things a little spicier than me, did add some chipotle chili pepper and cayenne spices to his seasoning, but apparently not enough for us to notice a lot of difference in heat between the two batches.

Anyway, here's the pictures:

Beef on racks

Turkey on racks

We did 2 lbs of ground beef and 1 lb (ish) of ground turkey, minus our snacking.. of which there was quite a lot prior to this picture. The beef took the bigger hit, as you can tell, because we did beef the first night and turkey the second.

Looking forward to more jerky in the future, but also other fun stuff like banana chips and apple rings and any other fruit or food that we can suck the moisture out of and still enjoy. I would also like to try and just do up some cuts of steak rather than ground beef.

Hopefully next time I post, there will be a post or two by T down there in between ...


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