Best of Eat & Drink

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Potato Leek Soup with Turkey Sausage

Not really any fun story to go along with this one. Grabbed some leeks on a whim last week at the farmer's market and I figured it was time to use them or probably lose them. Looked around on my regular recipe sites and eventually decided on a sausage leek soup recipe off of Livestrong that was an adaptation from a sausage leek soup recipe on Epicurious which I then adapted myself.

First, I used just regular turkey sausage and cooked it in the pot before starting the veggies. Took the sausage out and set aside and then continued as normal. I cut the butter way down, because damn. I halved it and didn't use any butter at the beginning with the carrots and celery, just a tiny splash of vegetable oil instead. Also at the end I garnished with watercress.

Turned out that Boyfriend loves leek soup. How and why he hid this from me for the past (almost) 6 years I don't know.

Anyway, pictures:

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